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Home> Published Issues> 2017> Volume 4, No. 4, December 2017

Effects of Increasing Doses of Vermicompost Applications on P and K Contents of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)

Korkmaz Bellitürk, Sevinç Adiloğlu, Yusuf Solmaz, Ali Zahmacıoğlu, and Aydın Adiloğlu
Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Faculty of Agriculture, Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag, Turkey

Abstract—In this study, which was carried on in controlled circumstances, the effects of the increasing doses of vermicompost implementation [0 (VC1), 3 (VC2), 5 (VC3), 7(VC4), %] on the P and K contents of pepper (capsicum annuum L.) and eggplant (solanum melongena L.) have been investigated. When P and K analysis results of pepper and eggplants analyzed were observed, it has been realized that there is a linear increase in both element values with vermicompost applied at increasing rates. While the phosphorus and potassium contents of pepper plant were 0.0162% and 3.0454%, respectively, when the lowest dose (VC1) was considered, 0.0393% and 6.2519% respectively for the highest dose (VC4) application. While the phosphorus and potassium contents of the eggplant plant were 0.0121% and 2.1462%, respectively, when the lowest dose (VC1) was considered, 0.0277% and 3.2843% respectively with the highest dose (VC4) application. As a result of the study, organic worm fertilization practices, which are increasingly called vermicompost, have been shown to increase P and K contents in both pepper and eggplant plants. According to this result, it is possible to say that vermicompost can easily be used easily in P and K fertilization in the cultivation of such vegetables.

Index Terms—vermicompost, pepper, eggplant, phosphorus, potassium

Cite:  Korkmaz Bellitürk, Sevinç Adiloğlu, Yusuf Solmaz, Ali Zahmacıoğlu, and Aydın Adiloğlu, "Effects of Increasing Doses of Vermicompost Applications on P and K Contents of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 372-375, September 2017. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.4.4.372-375

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