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Home> Published Issues> 2017> Volume 4, No. 4, December 2017

Gluten-Free Bread: A Case Study

Paula M. R. Correia 1, Mariana F. Fonseca 2, Luís M. Batista 3, and Raquel P. F. Guiné 3
1. Department of Food Industry, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, CI&DETS/ESAV, Viseu, Portugal
2. Department of Food Industry, Agrarian School of Viseu, Viseu, Portugal
3. Fábrica do Pão, Seia, Portugal

Abstract—Physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of a possible commercial Gluten-Free Bread (GFB) made with a new gluten-free flour were studied, as compared to a regular wheat bread, which was also analysed as Control sample. Results show that GFB presented high values of moisture and water activity, 36.56% and 0.96. This bread presented high density (0.38 g/ cm3) comparing to regular bread (0.25 g/ cm3), being these results reinforced by image analysis of alveoli. GFB was whiter, with less color intensity, meaning that a* and b* color parameters were lower than control, which was confirmed by sensorial evaluation results. GFB was soft and easily chewable (75.0 N and 70.0 N, respectively for hardness and chewiness), which, once again, was corroborated by the sensorial results. The overall assessment done by the consumer panellist to GFB was 4.1 (on a scale from 1 to 10), while the control bread presented 5.5. It could be concluded that the new flour formulation is suitable for GFB production, with characteristics comparable with the regular bread.
Index Terms—wheat, gluten-free, bread, physicochemical characteristics, sensorial properties

Cite:  Paula M. R. Correia, Mariana F. Fonseca, Luís M. Batista, and Raquel P. F. Guiné, "Gluten-Free Bread: A Case Study," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 340-344, September 2017. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.4.4.340-344

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