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Home> Published Issues> 2022> Volume 9, No. 2, December 2022

Analysis Methods of Common Biological Components in Food Additives

Wei Huang
College of Food Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China

Abstract—The diseases caused by food are defined as the illnesses with which people are infected or threatened by the foods they eat. These diseases are a broad public health issue and cost a lot to individuals and authorities. In this view, food safety should be a big deal for whole world and paid a lot of attention. Analysis of biological components in food additives plays a vital role in the industry since it can detect and quantify all the main components (sugar, nucleic acid, protein and fat) we can find. With the development of technology, a lot of new created approaches such as western blotting, chromatography, RT PCR are applied in this area which shows some advantages over the conventional ones. In addition, the new technology can be further developed in the direction of simplicity and speed in the analysis work. In this review, we attempt to focus on the approaches on the analysis of different biological components and summarize them in a whole glance. 
Index Terms—food, biological components, fat, protein 

Cite: Wei Huang, "Analysis Methods of Common Biological  Components in Food Additives," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 65-70, December 2022. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.9.2.65-70

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