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Home> Published Issues> 2019> Volume 6, No. 3, September 2019

The Nexus of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) Based Crafts and Rural Women’s Welfare at Household Level: Evidence from Rural South Africa

S. Nyeleka 1, A. Taruvinga 2, L. Zhou 2, and K. Mopipi 2
1. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, University of Fort Hare, Alice, 5700, South Africa
2. University of Fort Hare Faculty of Science and Agriculture, Alice, 5700, South Africa

Abstract—Indigenous Knowledge (IK) based crafts are viewed as potential non-farm livelihoods sources for rural women. This is premised on the assumption that rural women are custodians of IK that can be used to produce crafts from abundantly available natural resources. Whilst there is consensus on the claimed nexus, gaps still exist on the direction and magnitude of the association. Using cross-sectional survey data (n=204) from Amathole District Municipality of South Africa, we estimated the direction and magnitude of the association between participation of rural women in IK based crafts and household welfare. Results revealed a weak positive association between IK based crafts and household income and dietary diversity. With reference to household food insecurity a negative insignificant association was revealed. The papers therefore calls for extreme caution and location specific recommendations when reporting the broader welfare impact of IK based crafts as a livelihood strategy for rural women.
Index Terms—Indigenous Knowledge (IK), crafts and rural women

Cite: S. Nyeleka, A. Taruvinga, L. Zhou, and K. Mopipi, "The Nexus of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) Based Crafts and Rural Women’s Welfare at Household Level: Evidence from Rural South Africa," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 231-235, September 2019. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.6.3.231-235

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