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Home> Published Issues> 2019> Volume 6, No. 2, June 2019

A Word with the Future

Madison N. Mehta
Harvesting Hope, Thailand

Abstract—People wear away at their environment as though they have another to inhabit once this one simply ceases to exist. Human impact is taking its toll on the environment and something must be done before it is too late. Harvesting Hope was created to address these very issues specifically regarding agriculture and the effect of farming on the environment as well as supporting these families. The group has made contributions in the form of low water wastage irrigation systems and organic seeds. Additionally, steps have been taken to develop an effective, organic fertilizer. Coconut oil and Epsom salt were used as the oil foster natural anti-pest properties and the Epsom salt improves the fertility of the soil. Despite weather mishaps, the seeds that had been coated in this mixture produced broader and taller plants that harbored a more vibrant green color. These results begin to prove that conventional fertilizers do not necessarily provide the most desirable results. A natural alternative could be the answer. Next, to this experiment, the group has made steps towards developing an app which will begin to bridge this gap between producer and consumer that exists in society. Everyone must pitch in to reach a level of sustainability or equilibrium, specifically adolescents harboring risk-taking capabilities.
Index Terms—environment, human, empathy, sustainability

Cite: Madison N. Mehta, "A Word with the Future," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 150-153, June 2019. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.6.2.150-153

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