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Home> Published Issues> 2017> Volume 4, No. 4, December 2017

Effectiveness of Trichoderma viride (T2) to the Growth of Acacia mangium Seedlings

Rosa Suryantini and Reine S. Wulandari
Forest Faculty, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, Indonesia

Abstract—Increasing the growth of Acacia mangium could be conducted by inoculatin of T. viride (T2) that is combined with the use of mature manure. This study aimed to improve the effectiveness of T. viride (T2) and manure to the growth of A. mangium seedlings. The treatments consisted of the media (soil and sand sterile) without treatment as a control, media that were inoculated T2, media that were supplemented mature manure, and the media that were given mature manure and inoculated T2. This study observed during two months. The results showed that the seedlings in media containing manure and T2 had a height (22.57 cm) and diameter (2.67 cm). It was higher than the control treatment and the treatment were only applied T2 or sole manure. In this study, the seedling growth was influenced by the increase in nutrient content (organic C: 1.38%, nitrogen: 0.18% and phosphorus: 144.35 ppm) and the ability of T2 in utilizing nitrogen for its growth and development, which was indicated by the high of T2 spore density. 
Index TermsAcacia mangium, manure, Trichoderma viride

Cite:  Rosa Suryantini and Reine S. Wulandari, "Effectiveness of Trichoderma viride (T2) to the Growth of Acacia mangium Seedlings," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 364-367, September 2017. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.4.4.364-367

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