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Home> Published Issues> 2017> Volume 4, No. 3, September 2017

Short Term Growth Responses of Manihot esculenta L. Crantz and Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. to Elevated CO2

T. Taufikurahman, Rizki Aprilany, Azarine R. Gandina, and Maryam. Al Lubbu
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract—Recently an issue of global warming as a result of increase in CO2 released to the atmosphere rise an awareness to the possibility of reduction in worldwide agricultural production. Cassava (Manihot esculenta L. Crantz) and sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) are known as important daily food for Indonesian people. We investigated short term (14 days) growth responses of cassava and sweet potato to elevated CO2 concentrations. The plants were five months old prior to exposure to elevated CO2 concentration of 612 ppm, 777 ppm and 959 ppm, and 357 ppm (ambient CO2 concentration). Exposure of CO2 was conducted in a transparent plastic growth chamber for 14 days. After the exposure to elevated CO2 concentrations of 612 and 777 ppm, cassava plants showed reduction in plant height, but at 959 ppm there was a significant increase. There was also an increase in chlorophyll content, HCN and proline concentration in cassava especially at 959 ppm. Sweet potato plants also showed significant increase in plant length at 959 ppm, whereas at 612 and 777 ppm showed reduction. There was also an increase in chlorophyll content of sweet potato leaves after the treatment. It can be concluded that high Elevated CO2 concentration at 959 ppm seems to increase short term growth of cassava plants and sweet potato plants, whereas at 612 and 777 ppm plants reduced their growth. 

Index Terms—elevated CO2, cassava, sweet potato

Cite:  T. Taufikurahman, Rizki Aprilany, Azarine R. Gandina, and Maryam. Al Lubbu, "Short Term Growth Responses of Manihot esculenta L. Crantz and Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. to Elevated CO2," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 249-252, September 2017. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.4.3.249-252

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