1. How to submit my research paper? What’s the process of publication of my paper?
The journal receives submitted manuscripts via email only. Please submit your research paper in .doc or .pdf format to the submission email: joaat@ejournal.net.
2. Can I submit an abstract?
The journal publishes full research papers. So only full paper submission should be considered for possible publication...[Read More]
Home> About JOAAT> Aim and Scope

Aim and Scope

Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies aims to publish original, previously unpublished, research, survey and tutorial papers, plus case studies and short research notes, on agricultural technologies. The topics include, but not limited to:
Advanced Machine Systems 
Agricultural Biotechnology
Agricultural Ergonomics
Agricultural Production and Food Safety
Agricultural systems
Agricultural waste management
Animal Agriculture in the Globe 
Aquaculture and Biosystems Research
Biotechnology for Livestock, Pests and Aquaculture
Cutting Edge Science for Future Animal Agriculture Ecological Engineering 
Emerging public concerns with animal agriculture
Emerging technologies in Agriculture and Livestock
Environmental constraints to animal agriculture
Food Engineering and biotechnology
Food safety and Bio-process engineering
Food security
Food Science and Technology
Food traceability and safety 
Industry Transformation - Case Studies
Livestock Biotechnology 
Livestock building design for animal welfare and health
Livestock Production
Meat and allied industries
Nanotechnology in agriculture
Power and machinery in agriculture
Precision farming and variable rate technology 
Research for improved animal fibre products

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E-mail: joaat@ejournal.net
