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Home> Published Issues> 2021> Volume 8, No. 1, June 2021

Application of Dielectric Constant for Identification of Dilution in Raw Milk

Vanessa E. S. Silva 1, Daniel D. Costa 2, Francisco S. M. Sinfrônio 1, and Allan K. Barros 1
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Maranhão, São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil
2. Department of Food Engineering, Federal University of Maranhão, Imperatriz, Maranhão, Brazil

Abstract—In the present work the dielectric constant for the identification of water addition in raw milk is studied. To achieve this objective, a parallel plates capacitive cell was used, and a LCR Meter was used to measure the capacitance. The milk samples were obtained on the Upaon-Açu Island, which were diluted with water from the University supply in known proportions. Samples of approximately 120ml were used. The measurements were performed in the frequency range between 100 Hz and 100 kHz with a voltage of 1V, with a temperature of approximately 8°C. The software used for statistical analysis was SPSS version 25.0. From the results it was observed that all the frequencies presented significant differences between the groups, except the frequency of 100 Hz (p = 0.06). In the frequency of 1 kHz and 20kHz the addition of water causes a decay of the dielectric constant almost linear, whereas in the others frequencies the decay occurs smoothly, except in 10kHz, which presents a different behavior. With the obtained results, it is concluded that the dielectric constant method is feasible since it becomes possible to quickly identify the presence of water in the milk.
Index Terms—dielectric constant, raw milk, water
Cite: Vanessa E. S. Silva, Daniel D. Costa, Francisco S. M. Sinfrônio, and Allan K. Barros, "Application of Dielectric Constant for Identification of Dilution in Raw Milk," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 25-29, June 2021. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.8.1.25-29

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