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Home> Published Issues> 2019> Volume 6, No. 4, December 2019

Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbon in Crude Palm Oil-Current Status in Sime Darby Palm Oil Mills

Haniza Ahmad, Ahmadilfitri Md Noor, Maizatul Putri Ahmad Sabri, Rahmat Ngteni, and Syed Mohd Hadi Syed Hilmi
Sime Darby Research Sdn. Bhd., Carey Island, Selangor, Malaysia

Abstract—A pilot study on Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbon (MOSH) status in the Crude Palm Oil (CPO) was conducted. Two Sime Darby Plantation Palm Oil Mills located in East and West of Malaysia respectively were selected for this study. Samples of CPO from production oil and processing lines were collected from the palm oil mills for 6 consecutive weeks. CPO samples were taken from production oil line after vacuum dryer. Processing lines samples were taken at its processing points. All samples were collected by trained personnel. Samples were analyzed using test method based on ISO17780:2015 – Determination of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Vegetable Oils Hydrocarbon (as Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbon). Results revealed that mineral oil hydrocarbon in HACCP certified palm oil mill is at the range of 10-17ppm while non-HACCP certified mill has an average 44.81ppm MOSH. In the processing lines, samples were taken from 3 points namely, samples at the vibrating screen, clarifier underflow and decanter light phase for both premium and standard CPO line. Highest MOSH found in clarifier underflow in standard CPO line at 55.53pm. In CPO comparison, premium CPO showed lower MOSH at 10.7ppm compared to standard CPO at 21.9ppm. There is no correlation between oil quality (FFA%) and MOSH level. In conclusion, HACCP certified mill showed lower MOSH even though the mill is producing standard CPO. Comparison between premium and standard CPO showed that premium CPO production oil has lower MOSH compared to standard CPO production oil as well as in the processing parameters as shown in samples taken from vibrating screen, clarifier underflow and decanter light phase.
Index Terms—crude palm oil, mineral oil saturated hydrocarbon, palm oil mill, HACCP

Cite: Haniza Ahmad, Ahmadilfitri Md Noor, Maizatul Putri Ahmad Sabri, Rahmat Ngteni, and Syed Mohd Hadi Syed Hilmi, "Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbon in Crude Palm Oil-Current Status in Sime Darby Palm Oil Mills," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 299-303, September 2019. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.6.4.299-303

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