Home> Published Issues> 2019> Volume 6, No. 4, December 2019
A Smart Farm Prototype with an Internet of Things (IoT) Case Study: Thailand
Pannee Suanpang 1 and
Pitchaya Jamjuntr 2
1. Suan Dusit University, Faculty of Science & Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
2. Siam Technology College, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
2. Siam Technology College, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Bangkok, Thailand
Abstract—This paper presented the design for smart farm prototypes by using sensors for measuring the temperature and humidity using the Internet of Things (IoT) as a case study in Thailand. The system is designed to be a part of an automatic water control system using IoT devices. There are two main components including the hardware and a web-based application. The hardware system consists of two main devices, which includes a Raspberry Pi board installed in a control box to collect data from the field using a DHT22 sensor. This is used to collect temperature and humidity data from the environment of the plant that is sent by the control unit in the control box. The second component is a web application that was designed and implemented to collect and display useful, real-time data for users. This system is very important for the automatic control water system because it is used to collect the data necessary for controlling optimal water quantity for plant growth. The system was tested and worked effectively on a rice farm in Suphan Buri Province, Thailand. The results showed the system was useful for Agricultural 4.0, in which technology can help farmers to increase their productivity while significantly decreasing costs.
Index Terms—smart farm, Internet of Things (IoT), sensor, water control, temperature measurement, humanity measurement, Thailand
Cite: Pannee Suanpang and Pitchaya Jamjuntr, "A Smart Farm Prototype with an Internet of Things (IoT) Case Study: Thailand," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 241-245, September 2019. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.6.4.241-245
Cite: Pannee Suanpang and Pitchaya Jamjuntr, "A Smart Farm Prototype with an Internet of Things (IoT) Case Study: Thailand," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 241-245, September 2019. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.6.4.241-245