Home> Published Issues> 2018> Volume 5, No. 2, June 2018
Fruit Waste Potential, a Weakness or a Potency, Doing Locally Effect Globally
Setyadjit Setyadjit, Ermi Sukasih, and Risfaheri Risfaheri
Indonesian Center for Agriculture Postharvest and Development, Bogor, Indonesia
Abstract—Liquid and solid waste are claimed as one of source of Green House Gas (GHG) which cause global warming and climate change. Fruit has a potency producing solid waste. To figure out the local fruit waste potential; we correlated the fruit production, the edible portion of the composition of food, published paper, and also our experience in doing postharvest research. Not all fruit has production data, also not all the production data have edible portion. Some of variation of cultivated variety has also been neglected. The figure shows 8 097 938 tonnes of fruit waste annually produced in Indonesia. This value is bigger than annual production of banana which is the biggest fruit produced in Indonesia viz 6 862 567 tonnes. The fruit losses data are unavailable, but this would increase the amount of waste if it the good handling practices failed to be done. The government policy across ministry and across center and local government were produced supporting decree and regulation to preserve the environment. The member of society such as researcher, culinary society, and processor were trying to improve their knowledge to utilize the fruit solid waste. Fruit processing industry both local and abroad facing dynamic pressure and some of them faced difficulty in coping environmental problem. Looking for better solution for potential environmental problem from fruit, it is recommended researching varieties with long storage life; also continuing research on postharvest fruit preservation and transportation, fruit seedless, and continuing to educate small processor, and society to have better understanding of GHG and global warming and how to cope them.
Index Terms—fruit waste, fruit losses, waste utilization, fruit postharvest handling, fruit processing
Cite: Setyadjit Setyadjit, Ermi Sukasih, and Risfaheri Risfaheri, "Fruit Waste Potential, a Weakness or a Potency, Doing Locally Effect Globally," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 153-158, June 2018. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.5.2.153-158
Cite: Setyadjit Setyadjit, Ermi Sukasih, and Risfaheri Risfaheri, "Fruit Waste Potential, a Weakness or a Potency, Doing Locally Effect Globally," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 153-158, June 2018. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.5.2.153-158