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Home> Published Issues> 2018> Volume 5, No. 2, June 2018

How to Display Social and Environmental Sustainability of Food Products?

Fatiha Fort and Laura Solaroli
INRA, Montpellier, France

Abstract—Sustainability concept has become an important subject in the people daily consumption. Therefore, many companies have changed their way of working to meet consumers’ new expectations in terms of food impacts on the environment and society. In food market, consumers are considered as principal stakeholders and therefore the most important actors for the transition towards a more sustainable production. Moreover the issue of the sustainability of products and its eco-labeling has been raised in order to allow consumers to choose "sustainable" products. We propose in this article to evaluate the consumer behavior toward sustainable food products information. Sustainability is reflected in its environmental and social dimensions. An experiment results show that the information on sustainability brings additional value to the product. Social sustainability is becoming increasingly more important for consumers compared to environmental impacts. Results lead to recommendations about the way it will be suitable to display the product sustainability information.
Index Terms—food, sustainability, consumers, social impact, environmental impact

Cite: Fatiha Fort and Laura Solaroli, "How to Display Social and Environmental Sustainability of Food Products?," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 103-108, June 2018. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.5.2.103-108

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