Home> Published Issues> 2017> Volume 4, No. 4, December 2017
Analysis of Submergence Tolerant Gene (Sub-1) on BC2F1 Population, Backcross of Selected Swamp Rice Genotipe Using Molecular Marker
Mery Hasmeda 1, Rujito A. Suwignyo 2,
Imam Wibisono 2, and
Harman Hamidson 2
1. Department of Agronomi, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
2. Department of Agronomi and Department of Plant Disease, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
2. Department of Agronomi and Department of Plant Disease, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Indonesia
Abstract—Water fluctuation and poor water management at swamp area caused rice plant is susceptible to flooding and submergence stress during plant growth and development. Rice plant which is submerged for long period caused plant wilt and die. Marker Assisted Backcrossing (MABc) is one of the rapid solution for introgression the submerged tolerant gene (sub-1) from donor parents to the local swamp rice varieties. It is expected that new swamp rice genotype will be able to adapt to stress submerged. The purpose of this researches were to select the heterozygous progenies from BC2F1 generation based on backcrossing of 4 local parents of South Sumatera swamp rice genotypes i.e Siam, Pegagan, Pelita Rampak, and Payak Selimbuk with the donor of submergence tolerant gene (sub-1) of FR13A. Molecular analysis was studied by using foreground selection on sub-1 gene as a gene target or QTL, using 2 flanking markers based on microsatellite or Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) of RM 23805 and RM 23915. The results of molecular analysis indicated that there were 37 number of progenies from total population of BC2F1 generations. They were 8 numbers of BC2F1 Siam from 24 progenies, 9 numbers of BC2F1 Pegagan from 27 progenies, 10 numbers of BC2F1 Pelita Rampak from 39 progenies, and 10 numbers of BC2F1 Payak Selimbuk from 31 progenies which were identified as having sub-1 gene.
Index Terms—-swamp rice, FR13A, sub-1 gene, Marker Assisted Backcrossing (MABc.), microsatelite, heterozygous
Cite: Mery Hasmeda, Rujito A. Suwignyo, Imam Wibisono, and Harman Hamidson, "Analysis of Submergence Tolerant Gene (Sub-1) on BC2F1 Population, Backcross of Selected Swamp Rice Genotipe Using Molecular Marker," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 350-353, September 2017. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.4.4.350-353
Cite: Mery Hasmeda, Rujito A. Suwignyo, Imam Wibisono, and Harman Hamidson, "Analysis of Submergence Tolerant Gene (Sub-1) on BC2F1 Population, Backcross of Selected Swamp Rice Genotipe Using Molecular Marker," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 350-353, September 2017. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.4.4.350-353