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Home> Published Issues> 2015> Volume 2, No. 1, June 2015

The Effect of Glutamine Supplementation on Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress

B. Nakhostin-Roohi 1 and R. Javanamani 2
1. Department of Exercise Physiology, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran
2. Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Guilan, Iran

Abstract—The shift in balance between oxidant/antioxidant in favor of oxidants is termed oxidative stress. Physical exercise may increase accumulation of free radicals and induce oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate effect of 7 day glutamine supplementation on exercise-induced oxidative stress. Nineteen healthy, nonsmoking, young men were recruited to participate in this study. Participants were randomized in a double-blind placebo-controlled fashion into 2 groups: Glutamine (G group) (n = 9) and placebo (P group) (n = 10). Subjects consumed daily either placebo (1.5 g/kg glutamine + 250ml water + 15g sweetener) or glutamine (250ml water + 15g sweetener) for 7 days. Then, Participants ran 14 km. Blood samples were taken before supplementation, before exercise, immediately, and 1h after exercise. TAC significantly increased immediately after exercise compared with pre-exercise just in G group (P<0.05). There was significant GHS increasein G group after supplementation, immediately, and 1h after exercise, but just 1h after exercise in P group compared with baseline(P<0.05). MDA-TBARS significantly increased 1h after exercise compared with pre-exercise just in P group (P<0.05). It seems 7day glutamine supplementation has been able to affectoxidative stress markers via possibly effect on antioxidant agents.

Index Terms—glutamine, supplementation, oxidative stress, reduced glutathione.

Cite: B. Nakhostin-Roohi and R. Javanamani, "The Effect of Glutamine Supplementation on Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 8-12, June 2015. Doi: 10.12720/joaat.2.1.8-12

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