Home> Published Issues> 2014> Volume 1, No. 2, December 2014
Responses of Source and Sink Manipulations on Yield of Selected Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Varieties
Shafeeqa Shahruddin1, Adam Puteh2, and Abdul Shukor Juraimi2
1.Department of Agriculture Science, Faculty of Technical and Vocational, Sultan Idris Education University, 35900 Perak, Malaysia
2.Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Malaysia
2.Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Malaysia
Abstract—Five Malaysian rice varieties (MR263, MR219, MR167, MR84, and Pulut Siding), were grown in polybag culture under glasshouse condition and were subjected to source and sink manipulations (50% flag leaf cutting, 25 and 50% spikelet removal, and control) for the grain yield and yield components response. Manipulation on grains number has caused the lower grain yield of all rice varieties. In response to the spikelet removal, the grain size of two varieties (MR167 and Pulut Siding), and the filled grain in the basal spikelets of three varieties (MR263, MR167, and MR84) increased about 2 - 6% and 7 - 13%, respectively. In response to the flag leaf cutting, the grain size of three varieties (MR263, MR84, and Pulut Siding), and the filled grain in the apical spikelets of four varieties (MR263, MR219, MR84, and Pulut Siding) reduced about 2 - 6% and 2 - 8%, respectively. Less than 80% of filled grain suggested that the grain yield of MR263, MR219, MR167, and MR84 were limited by the source activity, more than sink capacity. The significant increment of grain size and more than 80% of filled grain suggested that the grain yield of Pulut Siding was limited by both the source activity and sink capacity.
Index Terms—grain yield, yield components, source and sink manipulations, source activity, sink capacity.
Cite: Norsolehah Azman, Siti Khairunniza-Bejo, Wan Ishak Wan Ismail, and AimrunWayayok, "Estimating Maturity of Paddy Using RGB Colour Space," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 125-131, December 2014. Doi: 10.12720/joaat.1.2.125-131
Index Terms—grain yield, yield components, source and sink manipulations, source activity, sink capacity.
Cite: Norsolehah Azman, Siti Khairunniza-Bejo, Wan Ishak Wan Ismail, and AimrunWayayok, "Estimating Maturity of Paddy Using RGB Colour Space," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 125-131, December 2014. Doi: 10.12720/joaat.1.2.125-131