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Home> Published Issues> 2014> Volume 1, No. 1, June 2014

The Result of Biotechnology by Local Microorganisms to Banana Peel on Rumen Fluid Characteristics as Ruminant Feed

T. Astuti1, Y. S. Amir2,3, G. Yelni2,3 , and Isyaturriyadhah2,3
1.Faculty of agriculture, Muara Bungo University, Jambi, Indonesia
2.Agricultural Polytechnic State of Payakumbuh, Faculty of Agriculture, Muara Bungo University
3.Faculty of Agriculture, Muara Bungo University, Indonesia

Abstract—The purpose of this research was to improve the nutritive value waste of banana peel as ruminant feed through biotechnology process to using of variety sources of local microorganisms (MOL) as inoculum fermentation with different incubation lengh. Mol is a liquid containing microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, based on waste. This research done to evaluate rumen characteristics banana peel that have fermented with Mol as ruminant feed in- vitro methode. The factorial randomized block design used in this research, 3 x 2 with 3 replications for each treatment. Factor A was the source of MOL (rument contents, banana peels, vegetable waste). Factor B was incubation lenght on a banana peel 7 days and 14 days. Parameters measured were pH, Ammonia (NH3) dan VFA. The best results of the research contained in the banana peel that has been fermented with Mol source of rumen contents and incubation for 7 days.

Index Terms—lokal microorganism, banana peel, ruminant feed

Cite: T. Astuti, Y. S. Amir, G. Yelni, and Isyaturriyadhah, "The Result of Biotechnology by Local Microorganisms to Banana Peel on Rumen Fluid Characteristics as Ruminant Feed," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 28-31, June 2014. Doi: 10.12720/joaat.1.1.28-31

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