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Home> Published Issues> 2014> Volume 1, No. 1, June 2014

Combination Effect of Clove and Orange Peel Oils on in Vitro Digestion of Dairy Total Mixed Ration Using ANKOM DAISY II Incubator

Muhamad N. Rofiq1 and Murat Gorgulu2
1.Laptiab 612 Bld. Puspiptek, Centre for the Agriculture Production Technology-BPPT, Tangerang Selatan 15310, Indonesia
2.Animal Science Departmen Cukurova University, Balcali Campuss, Adana, 01330, Turkey

Abstract—Clove and orange peel oils were used for rumen manipulation in ruminant animal production. However there is limited study with true in vitro rumen digestibility. The objective of this study was to evaluate combination effect of clove and orange peel oils on in vitro digestion of Dairy Total Mixed Ration (TMR) using ANKOM DAISYII Incubator. Ruminal fluid for in vitro digestion technique was prepared as in vitro digestibility ANKOM method. The results indicated that in vitro true DM disappearance (IVTDMD) and in vitro neutral detergent fiber disappearance (IVNDFD) of dairy TMR were significant (P <0.01) affected by clove, orange peel oils and their combination. Clove increased IVTDMD and IVNDFD and energy estimate (TDN, ME and NEl) of TMR, while orange peel oils decreased. Therefore, there was antagonistic effects between CO and OP 300 ppm when they were used together in combination treatment for decreasing in vitro digestion of dairy TMR.

Index Terms—clove oil, orange peel oil, in vitro digestion, ANKOM daisyii incubator, TMR

Cite: Muhamad N. Rofiq and Murat Gorgulu, "Combination Effect of Clove and Orange Peel Oils on in Vitro Digestion of Dairy Total Mixed Ration Using ANKOM DAISY II Incubator," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 14-18, June 2014. Doi: 10.12720/joaat.1.1.14-18

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