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Home> Published Issues> 2014> Volume 1, No. 1, June 2014

Optimizing Rumen Bioprocess through Supplementation of Microbe Precursor Nutrient in Ammoniation of Palm Oil Frond-Base Cattle Ration

Nurhaita1, Ruswendi1, Wismalinda R1 , and Robiyanto2
1.Agricultural Faculty of Muhammadiyah University, Bengkulu, Indonesia
2.BPTP Bengkulu Jl. Irian Km 6,5 Bengkulu

Abstract—This research aimed at evaluating the effect of supplementation of cassava leaf meal and S and P mineral in ammoniated palm oil frond towards the bioprocess optimization in cattle rumen. Randomized block design was used applying 5 ration treatments and 4 cattle groups. Treatment ration were A: field grass, as control group; B: ammoniated palm oil frond; C: B + 5% cassava leaf; D: B + 0.4% mineral S and 0.27% mineral P; and E: B + cassava leaf + S and P mineral. The measured parameters covered: 1) bacteria population, 2) digestibility of dry matter and organic matter. Result showed that cassava leaves and mineral supplementation, could increase bioprocess optimization in the rumen as observed from the increase of rumen bacteria population, digestibility of dry and organic matter. The highest bacteria population was found in ration of ammoniated palm oil frond by supplementing cassava leaves and S, P mineral.

Index Terms—ammoniated palm oil frond, digestibility, rumen bacteria population, supplementation of mineral s, p and cassava leaf

Cite: Nurhaita, Ruswendi, Wismalinda R, and Robiyanto, "Optimizing Rumen Bioprocess through Supplementation of Microbe Precursor Nutrient in Ammoniation of Palm Oil Frond-Base Cattle Ration," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 10-13, June 2014. Doi: 10.12720/joaat.1.1.10-13

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