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Home> Published Issues> 2023> Volume 10, No. 2, December 2023
JOAAT 2023 Vol.10(2): 59-64
doi: 10.18178/joaat.10.2.59-64

A Case Study of Energy Balance of Castor Bean Cultivation in Iran

Sharareh Jahannavard 1,* and Abdollah Hassanzadeh Ghorttapeh 2
1. Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
2. Horticulture Crop Science Research Department, West Azerbaijan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, (AREEO), Urmia, Iran
*Correspondence: shararehjahannavard@gmail.com (S.J.)

Manuscript received November 17, 2022; revised February 16, 2022; accepted August 16, 2023; published November 28, 2023.

Abstract—The production of biofuel from farm products has been promoted as a replacement for fossil fuels. Castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) is one of the best crops used to produce biodiesel. The first step toward the introduction and widespread cultivation of the crop is to investigate the energy balance and economic analysis for its production in the field. To do so, we studied the comparison of the energy balance sheet on three different planting dates and plant densities of Castor beans in the Urmia. All data, such as input and output, were converted to equal values of the consumed and produced energy, by using special formulas and indexes, after which the energy efficiency was calculated. The results of analysis of variance showed that the effect of different planting dates on energy output of biomass, grain, oil, protein yield, and their energy efficiency was significant. Energy efficiency of oil and protein yield was also affected by plant density per unit area. The interaction effect of planting date and plant density was also significant on biomass energy output and its efficiency, energy efficiency of oil, and protein yield. According to the results, in order to achieve maximum energy efficiency, it is suggested that the most desirable planting date is May 20 and the most suitable density of 16,000 plants per hectare in West Azerbaijan.

Keywords—biodiesel, castor, energy, planting date, plant density

Cite: Sharareh Jahannavard and Abdollah Hassanzadeh Ghorttapeh, "A Case Study of Energy Balance of Castor Bean Cultivation in Iran," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 59-64, December 2023. doi: 10.18178/joaat.10.2.59-64

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