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Home> Published Issues> 2019> Volume 6, No. 1, March 2019

Assessment of Genetic Variability in Introduced and Indonesian Soybean Genotypes Using Morphological and SNAP Markers

Puji Lestari 1, Kristianto Nugroho 1, Rerenstradika Tizar Terryana 1, Sustiprijatno, 1, Mastur 1, Andy Agus Cahyono 2, and Darmawan Saptadi 2
1. Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development-IAARD, Bogor, Indonesia
2. Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia

Abstract—Genetic variability of 66 soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) genotypes comprising 25 improved varieties from Indonesia and 41 introduced genotypes was estimated using ten Single Nucleotide Amplified Polymorphism (SNAP) markers to complement the morphological characters searched from public domain. A number of quantitative morphological characters (plant height, seed weight and yield) showed high variations (CV>20%), while the diversity of qualitative morphological characters was relatively moderate (0.25-0.50). Yield was strongly correlated with seed weight, but moderately correlated with oil content. Eigen values indicated the highest variation on stem determination, flower color, seed coat color, plant height, seed weight, protein content, oil content and yield, suggesting their contribution as selection descriptors. Indonesian improved varieties less varied than introduced genotypes according to the morphology. The relationship among genotypes according to morphological characters was not relevant with the origin. The dendrogram constructed based on genetic similarity among 66 genotypes using SNAP identified four main clusters with a cut off of 0.59. Indonesian improved varieties were more narrow their genetic than introduced genotypes. Indonesian improved varieties were closer to genotypes from East Asia than those from United States, indicating their origin relation. Notably, phylogenetic analysis based on SNAP markers confirmed clearer separation than morphological characters. This information could be useful for efficient identification of genotypes and selection in the future soybean breeding in Indonesia.
Index Terms—genetic variability, morphology, SNAP, soybean

Cite: Puji Lestari, Kristianto Nugroho, Rerenstradika Tizar Terryana, Sustiprijatno, Mastur, Andy Agus Cahyono, and Darmawan Saptadi, "Assessment of Genetic Variability in Introduced and Indonesian Soybean Genotypes Using Morphological and SNAP Markers," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-8, March 2019. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.6.1.1-8

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