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Home> Published Issues> 2018> Volume 5, No. 1, March 2018

Relationship between Livelihood Assets and Strategies of Small-Scale Farmers: Evidences from Rain-Fed Areas of the Punjab, Pakistan

Muhammad Luqman, Muhammad Yaseen, Shoaib Nasir, and Younas Afzal
University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Pakistan

Abstract—Present research was designed to access the relationship, between livelihood capitals and strategies of small-scale farmers in rain-fed areas of Pakistan. Results highlighted that households possessed limited human, financial, physical, social and natural assets. Chi-square statistics showed a highly significant relationship (P<0.05) between livelihood assets and diversification strategies. It was found that social asset was highly influenced and depends upon income level of households as a majority (67.0%) of the poor people with a low income level had a low level of financial capital. The preference or choice of livelihood strategies by different income groups was measured through a chi-square test of independence (χ2=122.770) which shows that the majority (79.3%) of low income households used farming as their only major livelihood strategy. Due to which they were considered as more prone to poverty as the high majority (98.0%) of households were facing the problem of poverty and hunger (98.0%) at the household level. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that the problem of poverty & hunger (PPH) can easily be estimated from livelihood assets of respondents. 
Index Terms—livelihood assets, strategies, small-scale farmers, climate change

Cite: Muhammad Luqman, Muhammad Yaseen, Shoaib Nasir, and Younas Afzal, "Relationship between Livelihood Assets and Strategies of Small-Scale Farmers: Evidences from Rain-Fed Areas of the Punjab, Pakistan," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 46-51, March 2018. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.5.1.46-51

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