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Home> Published Issues> 2016> Volume 3, No. 3, September 2016

Is Trunk Injection More Efficient Than Other Iron Fertilization Methods in Date Palms Grown in Calcareous Soils?

Jahanshah Saleh, Yaaghoob Hosseini, and Maryam Ghoreishi
Soil and Water Research Department, Hormozgan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar-E-Abbas, Iran

Abstract—The effect of different iron fertilization methods on yield and some fruit quality parameters of the date-palm variety ‘Piarom’ was studied in a calcareous soil of Hormozgan Province in Iran. The trees were 12 years old and the treatments comprised of: 1 - control, 2 - surface placement of Fe-EDDHA in the soil with two levels, 3 - deep placement of FeSO4 in the soil (Chalkood method) with two levels, and 4 - injection of FeSO4 solution into the trunk of trees with four levels. The experiment was accomplished as a randomized complete blocks design with nine treatments and three replications during four years Injection of 25 grams of FeSO4 into the trunk resulted in the highest yield, having considerable differences with the other treatments. The maximum concentration of iron, as well as the highest Brix index and reducing sugars content were obtained in trees injected with a solution of FeSO4, showing no significant differences between different levels of FeSO4. Therefore, it can be concluded that trunk injection is a more efficient method for iron fertilization of date palms grown in calcareous soils. Moreover, the best injection level was 25 grams FeSO4 tree-1
Index Terms—date palm, iron fertilization, Piarom, trunk injection

Cite: Jahanshah Saleh, Yaaghoob Hosseini, and Maryam Ghoreishi, "Is Trunk Injection More Efficient Than Other Iron Fertilization Methods in Date Palms Grown in Calcareous Soils?," Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 160-163, September 2016. Doi: 10.18178/joaat.3.3.160-163

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